AGR Law Supports the following areas of Children Law
Download our factsheet on the most popular child arrangement orders
Child Arrangements
On separation, many parents find it difficult to come to an agreement about how each party will have contact with their children, and sometimes, where their children should live.
At AGR Law, our solicitors have a breadth of experience in assisting parents in these situations. We understand there are tensions and adopt a facilitative approach to help you to come to agreements without litigation. However, we recognise that there are times when attending court is mandatory to maintain the bonds you have with your children or defend cases where contact should be limited or regulated due to welfare concerns. We are strong and tenacious in fighting for our clients and getting the best outcome for them and their children.
Prohibited Steps Orders
Is your ex-partner threatening to or do you have reasons to believe they might remove your children from your care to another country or another town within the UK?
Is your ex-partner planning to change your child’s name, their school or subject your child to other acts you are not agreeable to?
A Prohibited Steps Order is an order made by the court to stop a person from performing a certain act concerning the child, such as relocation or name change. Emergency application can be made to the court without notice to your ex-partner and we can advise you of the circumstances in which you can make an application without notice.
Parental responsibility
Do you have the legal right to make decisions about your child’s welfare?
Parental Responsibility is the legal right a parent may have to make decisions concerning their child’s welfare. Birth mothers automatically have parental responsibility over their children. However, there is a misconception that all fathers also automatically have parental responsibility. This is not necessarily the case, and we can advise you on your rights and whether you can obtain parental responsibility.
Other people who care for a child may also be able to obtain parental responsibility. Please contact us to discuss your circumstances.
Special guardianship
A Special Guardianship Order is an order where the child is intended to benefit from long-term secure placement. Is a Special Guardianship Order the right order for you?
- Are you a Local Authority’s foster carer and the child has lived with you for at least 1 year?
- Do you have permission from the parents or everyone who has parental responsibility to apply for an order in relation to their child?
- Are you a relative of a child who has resided with you for at least 1 year?
- Do you have consent of the Local Authority to apply for a Special Guardianship Order in relation to a child in care?
Please contact us if your answer is ‘yes’ to any of the questions above or if you are unsure, we will be happy to help you.
Adoption is a serious and permanent order. If your child is to be placed for adoption or if you would like to adopt a child in your care, you will need to seek specialist legal advice.
Contact us to make an appointment to discuss the adoption process.
Child maintenance
Do you receive or are you paying the correct child maintenance?
Child maintenance is usually dealt with by the Child Maintenance Service; however, there may be times, the child will benefit from a court order to ensure their financial needs are met.
If you would like to get strong, legal advice about child maintenance contact us to make an appointment.
Specific Issue orders
Are you being kept updated with changes concerning your child?
If you have parental responsibility of your child, the other parent, with whom the child lives, is legally obliged to keep you updated on important aspects of the child’s upbringing. For example, this could be their schooling, health and other important matters affecting the child.
It is common for separated parents to disagree on certain actions relating to the child, or indeed for one parent to unreasonably refuse for the action to be carried out. For example, you might want to take the child on holiday abroad, change the child’s name or school or your child may require a certain medical procedure. You would be required to seek permission from the other parent and if that permission is withheld, you would need to make an application to court for determination of the specific issue.
Change of name
Changing the name of your child requires those with parental responsibility to agree that this should happen. There are several options relating to the changing of names, such as unenrolled deed poll, enrolled deed poll and sometimes a court order.
If you would like to change your child’s name, speak to us for further advice.