Name changes are becoming more common in England and Wales and at AGR Law we are able to help those who wish to change their name unrelated to marriage or divorce.
To change your name you will need a deed poll, which is better known as a ‘Deed of Change of Name’. A Deed of Change of Name sets out the name you wish to abandon and the name you wish to adopt and as a result, the adopted name becomes your legal name.
If you choose to change your name by a Deed of Change of Name, it is wise to enrol it with the Royal Court of Justice; as the new name becomes a matter of public record. Some organisations will only accept an enrolled deed poll as proof your name has been changed and so we recommend that this be carried out. There is a nominal fee to pay to enrol your new name.
You may use a statutory declaration to change your name; however, not all financial institutions will accept this form, therefore a deed poll may be more suitable. Should you require assistance with changing your name, please contact AGR Law and we will be happy to help.
If you wish to change a child’s name, this can be a little more complicated. Please contact our team to ensure that the process is carried out correctly.