AGR Law has recently been awarded a Legal Aid contract in Family Law. This means we can now accommodate clients whose case come within the Scope of Legal Aid and who meet the MEANS and MERITS assessments.

By way of example, the following cases will generally fall within the Scope for Legal Aid:

1. Public Law Children Matters (Care cases) will automatically fall within the Scope. There will be no requirement to undertake a MEANS assessment, unless one is applying to vary or discharge an existing Care Order (at which point a client’s Income and Capital means will be tested).

2. Private Law Family & Children matters, which include Family Law injunctions, divorce, matrimonial finances & Children Matters will fall within Scope if a client has suffered domestic abuse and can provide supporting evidence.

With over 10 years in Family & Children Law and Legal Aid work, and the benefit of a Family Law Specialist, at AGR Law, we have expertise to offer a well-rounded excellent service to all our privately paying and publicly funded clients.

It might not be for you, but you might know someone who could benefit from our family law services. If so, we can be contacted on 0116 340 0094 or

For emergency domestic abuse and other matters, we can be contacted on 0744 902 1970